Gynecological Health

Gynecological Health

Adolescence is a time of many changes. As girls grow into young women and become physically and sexually mature, they need additional care from physicians (adolescent medicine physicians and/or obstetricians/gynecologists) trained to address these issues.

This initial visit and yearly visits thereafter are geared towards promoting good health, screening for problems in adolescent girls, and helping open the lines of communication about healthcare between the physician, parents, and the young woman. Many of the conditions that affect gynecological, reproductive, and sexual health may be detected early, which, in most cases, provides for a more positive prognosis and successful treatment.

There are many gynecological and menstrual conditions that affect adolescent females and require the clinical care of a physician or other healthcare provider. Listed in the directory below are some, for which we have provided a brief overview.

Anatomy of the Female Pelvic Area

Menstrual Cycle: An Overview

Menstrual Disorders

Gynecological Infections